Det ursprungliga priset var: $18.99.$10.99Det nuvarande priset är: $10.99.
Description Title
This stainless steel hand shovel is a perfect addition to your garden tools! Ideal for planting out bulbs and seedlings, removing weeds and repotting plants.
Fitted with a ashwood durable handle for user comfort and a strap for easy hanging.
It is a perfect match with Item A10810
Dimensions: 45 x 9.5 x 5.5 cm
You can buy this product here: Gardens4you
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Aliquam interdum dolor aliquet dolor sollicitudin fermentum. Donec congue lorem a molestie bibendum. Etiam nisi ante, consectetur eget placerat a, tempus a neque. Donec ut elit urna.
Etiam venenatis eleifend urna eget scelerisque. Aliquam in nunc quis dui sollicitudin ornare ac vitae lectus.
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